The journey of a nerd who loves the Lord


A while back, I wrote about how I was going to be back to drawing. And, along those lines, how I would repost WIldlight comics. I’m happy to report that the project is about 20% done. You can now read 12 issues of Wildight on the web! And each week, another webisode is posted. So, feel free to subscribe to get reminders of when each of those hit the internet.

Many times, I write about New Year’s Resolutions about this time. Well, I’m very focused on getting Wildlight reposted. From there, I can start working on some new issues. At the same time, I run five Pathfinder campaigns. And while I feel I do a pretty good job there, I want to push myself a bit more to improve the experience for my players. Aside from that, I’m looking at trying to diet and exercise more, as most Americans are, I imagine 😀

And, most importantly, I want to take steps to improve my walk with God. I could go into detail here…but some of it is dirty laundry. So, I’ll save that for one on one conversations with Friends. Speaking of that, if you ever want to chat with me, feel free to hit me up on Discord at jcservant.

What about you? Are you working on anything new this year?

By His Grace,

Phil aka JCServant

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