The journey of a nerd who loves the Lord

Posts tagged ‘Wildlight’

Wildlight and Other Musings


A while back, I wrote about how I was going to be back to drawing. And, along those lines, how I would repost WIldlight comics. I’m happy to report that the project is about 20% done. You can now read 12 issues of Wildight on the web! And each week, another webisode is posted. So, feel free to subscribe to get reminders of when each of those hit the internet.

Many times, I write about New Year’s Resolutions about this time. Well, I’m very focused on getting Wildlight reposted. From there, I can start working on some new issues. At the same time, I run five Pathfinder campaigns. And while I feel I do a pretty good job there, I want to push myself a bit more to improve the experience for my players. Aside from that, I’m looking at trying to diet and exercise more, as most Americans are, I imagine 😀

And, most importantly, I want to take steps to improve my walk with God. I could go into detail here…but some of it is dirty laundry. So, I’ll save that for one on one conversations with Friends. Speaking of that, if you ever want to chat with me, feel free to hit me up on Discord at jcservant.

What about you? Are you working on anything new this year?

By His Grace,

Phil aka JCServant

Wildlight Is Coming Back


For those who do not know, Wildlight is a webcomic I started over 20 years ago. I worked on it for roughly seven years and completed around 70 webisodes. For comparison, that’s roughly equal to 18 standard comics or 3 full-sized graphic novels. For the last 13 years, I have done very little in the way of comic book work for a variety of reasons. And about seven months ago, I took down the Cyberlight website where Wildlight was hosted with other comics. Well, some good news for those who miss the adventures of Tammy, and her charming AI, CHRISTI.

This is how the comic looked originally on the site. Click for full size.

First, for those who have never read Wildlight, a bit of background is in order. I started drawing the comic in 2001. As the header reads, “The legacy of faith starts here! Given an advanced personal stealth and armor system, Tammy is thrust into a classic battle of good vs. evil. However, the greatest battles she fights are the ones within.” The 70 issues I completed formed the first act of a three-act story I wanted to tell about the life of Tammy Tanaka Saiko, otherwise known as Wildlight. I barely finished it when I took a break due to increased work, social involvement, and college. I left the comics up on the Cyberlight Comics website. However, due to increasing costs and issues with the aging HTML programming behind it, I had to take that down earlier this year.

Here’s a cell-phone-friendly rework of that first issue. Click for full size.

I had a few people reach out to me about the decision. At the time, I told them I had no immediate plans to get Wildlight back on the internet. However, a while ago, a good friend told me about Webtoons. He explained to me that there were a number of websites designed for hosting webcomics that could be read easily on a cellphone as well as PC. These comics read from top to bottom, designed to be continuously scrolled as the readers work through the story. In a way, Wildlight was ahead of its time.

I did a bit of research, and I believe I can convert the old comics to work in this new format. It does require a significant reworking of panels and text, to make things easy to read on smaller devices. This will take a lot of time, but it is significantly faster than if I redrew everything from scratch.

I believe I can also make this a bit more interesting for any who read this back in the day. I plan to add an ‘artist interaction’ section towards the bottom. There I will have a caricature of myself giving some behind-the-scenes tips, answering reader questions, and dropping hints about future issues.

I believe I can get the first few episodes up in under a month. Based on how smoothly those go, I will choose either a weekly or bi-weekly schedule for the rest of them. Once I get some of them posted, I will put links here in a separate article, as well as post them on Twitter.

Even as some of these comics are going up, I will be working on the epilogue to Act 1, which was never finished. That will show Lyndey’s reaction to these stories about her mother. From there, I start work on Act 2, where Tammy looks to join the Department of Special Forces. That way, new issues will be able to start going up once the old ones are finished.

I am considering doing streams of drawing while doing so. Please let me know if you might be interested in that. Also, let me know what you think about this news! You can post in the comment section below, or hit me up on Twitter (jcservant) or email (jcservant316 at gmail dot com). Twitter is also a great place to keep tabs on my practice drawings and up-to-date news about the comics. You do not need to subscribe or login to Twitter to read my posts, as I keep them public. Until then, may God Bless you!

Writing Update – Oct 4, 2018


Last week, I announced I would move forward with creating Wildlight content again. As anyone who writes knows, this process will take some time to get going. However, for the few people who care about these kinds of details, I will share my experiences here, on a regular basis. Furthermore, I will often post notes about my characters, settings and more right here for those who want to dive deeper into the Universe of Wildlight. Again, this will be a return to form for this blog, which I started as a way to share my journey as a writer and artist who loves God.  With that said, please allow me to share what I have worked on this week.

Wildlight Returns


Recently, I have felt God pushing me in a new, yet old direction.  And the short version of this story ends in “I shall return to drawing Wildlight comics in the near future.”  The longer version contains some interesting details for those who wish to know more, out of love for the character or just curiosity about the direction of a fellow writer and artist. (more…)

200th Blog Post – Look Behind and Forward


As we stand on the cusp of a new year, I hit a major milestone on this blog.  With this post, I reach 200 blog posts covering everything from video games, to theology, to personal stories and challenges.

In my first post, I stated that I wished to create this blog to journal my efforts into the areas of fictional writing, specifically, for my webcomic, Wildlight.  Ironically enough, my path took some twists and turns along the way.  A company asked me to run gaming events for the entire northern Utah region, which I did for about a year.  Before, during and after, I dove into deeper studies about theologies, sharing many of my discoveries and thoughts right here.  Eventually, I did manage to write up a number of short, fictional stories.  Though it all, I focused on improving the craft of writing.  I feel that I have made significant progress along those line, and hope you agree with me.

I write primarily for myself.  Aside from practicing writing itself, I also find value in keeping a journal on my thoughts, studies, etc has intrinsic value in and of itself.  I could reach both of those goals with a private Word document or the such.  However, I also hoped by sharing online that someone may also find value in my rough drafts, rants and studies.  Along those lines, I do receive comments on a somewhat regular basis.  While I have no assurance, I do hope that these writings and discussions bless someone out there and bring them closer to God.

goals2This brings us to my 200th post, on the cusp of a new year, which makes it a perfect opportunity to talk about future plans and goals.  I did this last year, with limited success…hopefully, I will do better this year.  So, in no particular order….

First, one of the more popular sections/topics of my blog, RPGTrek, shall continue.  I originally started this as a way to remember details about my exploits through classic RPGs I worked through.  I thought about quitting once I realized that the work involved consumed so much of my free time.  However, my readers surprised me with tons of positive feedback… more than any other writing exercise I have done here.  They have convinced me to make this a permanent, ongoing part of my blogging activities.   I cannot promise that I will keep up the pace that I did last year, where I knocked out an average of a 1,000 word article each and every week.  However, rest assured I shall keep on reporting on the progress of my characters, entertaining you as I go along.

Second, as mentioned in a previous article, I will reduce the amount of theological writings I engage in.  I feel that in our post modern society, people value logical, well thought out arguments less and less.  And, while I do enjoy studying and writing along those lines, I feel that I need to shift my focus into areas which will produce more fruit.  Jesus calls us to be fishers of men… and while the Bible extols the virtues of studying God’s Word and arguing for the faith, we have a higher calling to reach out to others.  I will not quit writing about theology and Bible studies, but simply reduce the amount I do.

wildlight1So, you may wonder, if I plan to reduce my RPGTrek blogging, as well as my theological writings, will I knock out fewer blog entries?  Far from it! (Lord willing).  I plan to fill in the gaps with more fictional writing.  Specifically, I plan to priorities working on Wildlight’s next story.  I last worked on the comic nearly six years ago, so I have a lot of writing to do, and I plan to share a lot of it here, including specific information on backgrounds, organizations, setting, etc.  Admittedly, most of this will bore the average blog reader, but I hope, by sharing some of that here, a few of the fans will help me by sharing opinions, thoughts and even editorial corrections as needed.  (I have made dastardly mistakes in the past, such as changing the names of characters in the middle of the story!)

If any of you would like to see me write about anything else in particular, please feel free to drop me a line.  I penned some of my blog entries in 2014 as a response to requests, questions and comments from my friends and readers.  Regardless, thank you very much for accompanying me through 200 blog entries!

The Viewing Chapter VII

Written in the same comic universe as Stardust and Wildlight, the following short story is more of a writing exercise than anything else.   Feedback is always welcome, and I do hope you get some enjoyment out of it. 


The Viewing Chapter VI

Written in the same comic universe as Stardust and Wildlight, the following short story is more of a writing exercise than anything else.   Feedback is always welcome, and I do hope you get some enjoyment out of it. 


The Viewing Chapter V

Written in the same comic universe as Stardust and Wildlight, the following short story is more of a writing exercise than anything else.   Feedback is always welcome, and I do hope you get some enjoyment out of it. 


The Viewing Chapter IV

Written in the same comic universe as Stardust and Wildlight, the following short story is more of a writing exercise than anything else.   Feedback is always welcome, and I do hope you get some enjoyment out of it. 


The Viewing Chapter III

Written in the same comic universe as Stardust and Wildlight, the following short story is more of a writing exercise than anything else.   Feedback is always welcome, and I do hope you get some enjoyment out of it. 
